Sexual Harassment Prevention Training

The Fortuna Chamber is pleased to partner with Dave Turner of HR Direct to present sexual harassment avoidance training that will satisfy employer requirements under California law.

California law requires all employers of 5 or more employees to provide one hour of sexual harassment and abusive conduct prevention training to non-supervisory employees and 2 hours of sexual harassment and abusive conduct prevention training to supervisors and managers once every two years and within six months of hire.

Seating is limited to 50 seats for each session. Both sessions will be in person at the Fortuna Monday Club.

This training is available to members and non-members. Current Fortuna Chamber members can receive 10% off. Just call us for the code at 725-3959.


Please fill out all required information and hit submit to hold your seat. Payment via credit card can be purchased below. If you would like to be billed via invoice, please give us a call at (707) 725-3959.


Contact us about discounted pricing for group registration at