Events Calendar
Friendly Fortuna is the perfect place to base your redwood adventure when you visit the North Coast. Whether you’re staying one day, one week, or a lifetime, Fortuna offers all of the amenities of a large town with the friendliness of a small community. Situated five hours north of the San Francisco Bay Area, Fortuna has quality lodging, dining, shopping, and traveler services in a beautiful rural setting.
Our Annual Events bring large crowds to town. Click the event link below to learn more.
Annual Events
Annual Sunrise Rotary Seafood Boil Fundraiser. Held late January 2025! Let the Good Times Boil!
Fortuna Chamber Annual Awards Dinner & Auction: Come help celebrate the Chamber’s recognition and of our local businesses who are the winners of award categories for Large Business of The Year, Small Business of The Year, and more. Dinner has a new theme each year and a delicious catered dinner, with a live and silent auction. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. Tickets are $85.00 per person.
State of the City Brunch Hear from the City of Fortuna and County representatives. Tickets are $25.00 per person and includes a brunch.
Daffodil Festival: The Fortuna Garden Club’s annual Daffodil Show features more than 600 stems of the sunny flowers on display. Call River Lodge at 707-725-7572 for dates.
Lemonade Day: Celebrate and encourage the empowerment of young entrepreneurs. First Saturday in June. For more information, visit www.lemonadeday.org/humboldtcounty.
Citywide Yard Sale: Centered in Downtown Fortuna, Main Street and adjoining streets are filled with sellers of antiques, collectibles, and rummage. The rest of town joins in with yard and garage sales all over. First Saturday in June.
Fortuna Rotary Art ‘N’ Wine in the Park
held on July 3rd: Celebrate Independence Day a little early in Friendly Fortuna with family fun, a BBQ, music, and fireworks from 5:30 -10:30 PM on July 3, in Newburg Park.
More than 102 years in the running, the rodeo itself culminates a week of fun and games for the family. Beginning on Saturday, the Fortuna Chamber puts on a Rodeo mixer to kick off Rodeo week located at the rodeo grounds and organizes the Annual Chili Cook-off Monday evening on Main Street. Then there are daily activities throughout town, including kids fun at Redwood Village Shopping Center on Tuesday, the Junior Rodeo on Wednesday and Thursday. The Carnival in the park has a soft open on Thursday and is open till Sunday. On Friday night, catch the popular event "Bullfighters Only” and don’t miss the highly entertaining event; the quadiators. Saturday brings a parade, more rodeo events inside the arena and out. Sunday brings more broncos, bulls, barbecues, and barrels.For information visit fortunarodeo.com. Third full week in July.
Throw it back to a cooler time, with vintage cars, hotrods, antique tractors, and farm equipment. The weekend activities include a cruise through town, sock-hop & auction, Deep Pit BBQ, and an artisans faire. Fourth full weekend in July.
Beer, beer, and more beer! More than 45 microbreweries from all over the nation converge in Rohner Park for beer tasting. For information, visit www.hopsinhumboldt.com. Fourth Saturday in August.
Apple Harvest Festival: Enjoy the fruits of fall harvest all over town at six different venues. There’s free apple and cider tasting at Clendenen’s Cider Works, a Downtown Street Fair, and more stay tuned or annual updates. The Event is the first Saturday in October.
Trunk or Treat: Trick or treating for kids under 12 years of age along Main Street in Fortuna from 3-5pm on Halloween!
Annual Holiday Craft Fair: Jump start your holiday shopping with this free two-day fair, featuring quality, handmade crafts. Held at the River Lodge Conference Center.
Al Gray Memorial Electric Lighted Parade: Bundle up and watch the big rigs, floats and other vehicles decked out in festive lights. Leaves Main Street at 6:00 PM and travels through town to Downtown Fortuna.
Fortuna Garden Club Christmas Home Tour & Tea: Take a peek at holiday decorations in lovely local homes. Locations vary. Held at the Fortuna Monday Club and throughout Fortuna in December. Sponsored by the Fortuna Garden Club.
Downtown Fortuna Open House
Fortuna Christmas Music Festival: Free day of music performed by nearly 400 musicians in a variety of ensembles, choirs, and bands.

Chamber Meeting
Our Guest Speaker will be Cassie Kemic from the Department of Rehabilitation. The Department of Rehabilitation is a state agency which works to bring qualified individuals with disabilities back into the workforce. One way they do that is to create partnerships with businesses to fill their employment needs. As a state agency all of their services are 100% free to both individuals with disabilities and to businesses.
An optional lunch ($15.00) will be provided.

Chamber Lunch
Our Guest Speaker will be Joyce Hayes from the Humboldt Senior Resource Center.
An optional lunch ($15.00) will be provided.