Fortuna City Council Candidates for 2024 Elections!

Meet the candidates and submit your questions!

Please join us on Wednesday, October 2, 2024, from 5:30 to 7:00 pm at the Monday Club in Fortuna, for a panel discussion with the four candidates running for Fortuna City Council in the upcoming election in November. Hear from Incumbent Mayor Tami Trent and candidates Jerry King, Neleen Nichols, and Arlene Spiers. The panel discussion will be moderated by a local representative to be announced.

Format: The Chamber Board of Directors will select 5 relevant questions from submissions by the residents of Fortuna that will be asked in random order. Each candidate will have five minutes at the beginning of the forum for an opening statement and two minutes to answer each question. Questions from the public can be submitted in advance by clicking the button below or submitting a question on an index card provided at the forum. Scroll down to read statements submitted by the candidates.

Meet the Candidates!

  • Incumbent Mayor Tami Trent

    "I am running for reelection because I love Fortuna. I want to continue my efforts to improve our city so that current and future generations will be proud to call Fortuna “home”. I have owned a business in Fortuna for 30 years. I spent 10 years on the Planning Commission prior to being elected to the City Council. While serving as a councilmember and as Mayor I successfully lobbied for Measure Z funds from the county Board of Supervisors for a drug task force officer and a school resource officer. Both of these positions have been proven to be vital to our community, and I continue to advocate for the funding of these positions each year. I know how budgets work in public entities, and have made tough decisions in order to remain fiscally responsible to the citizens of Fortuna. I strongly support public safety, the need for economic development, roads and recreation. I am involved with the League of California Cities, Humboldt Transit Authority, American Legion Auxiliary and many other organizations and events. If reelected I will continue to study the issues in order to make informed decisions for the betterment of Fortuna. I respectfully ask for your vote."

  • Candidate Jerry King

    "I have been a resident in Fortuna since 1998 and have a master’s in business administration.  Upon graduation, I felt compelled to serve my Country so enlisted in the U.S. Army where I earned my Commission as an Infantry Officer. This experience left an indelible impression on what it means to serve and make a difference. I am a father of 3 and grandfather of 8. About 26 years ago I began my business career with ACE Hardware starting in Arcata then in Fortuna by opening Fortuna ACE Hardware in 2005. I enthusiastically support many great charitable causes in the community. I am a member of the Fortuna Legion Hall, Fortuna Noon Rotary and the Fortuna Chamber of Commerce. When not working, I enjoy playing golf, hiking with my dog Mylah, flying in my plane and spending time with family and friends. Having served this great country and community for most of my adult life I feel it is time to give back to this community by serving on the City Council. If elected, I will use my business and leadership experience to faithfully serve the citizens of Fortuna with diligence, common sense and integrity."

  • Candidate Neleen Nichols

    "My mother’s ancestors were pioneers in Humbold County in the 1800s. My father's family came here from Oklahoma during the great depression. Both of them raised me to have a strong work ethic, be honest in everything, do the best job I could do, and to love and appreciate my hometown. While raising 3 children, I worked in the public sector for 24 years. I am very familiar with local government and how it functions. I understand how important it is to plan for the future of our town, for its growth and financial stability. How to ensure that we live as well as possible and can sustain that way of life. I have two main goals I want to accomplish, if elected. 1) reduce spending. My pension doesn’t cover what it used to. Citizens can’t continue to endure cost increase after cost increase. Something must be done, and I plan to work as hard as I can to find a solution.  2) represent the people who are being forgotten or ignored. I want to represent everyone. In both big government and small government, certain sectors of people seem to get better representation than others. Let’s fix that."

  • Candidate Arlene Spiers

    Arlene Spiers has lived in the Fortuna area since 1976. She graduated from Hydesville Elementary School, Fortuna Union High School, and College of the Redwoods. She raised her family in Fortuna and has lived in her Fortuna family home for 30 years. She has over 20 years of experience working in the field of business finances, including a business manager position for a school district where she created and maintained a 10- million-dollar budget with a 3-year forecast. Arlene currently works for a health care services organization where her focus is on payroll processing. She is a member of the League of Women Voters, Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) a program at Cal Poly Humboldt, California Native Plant Society, and the Northcoast Environmental Center. In her free time, Arlene enjoys spending time with her grandchildren, gardening, cooking, crocheting, and walking her dog, Angel. Arlene’s mission is to serve others and contribute to society. She believes that Fortuna deserves to have the best, attract the best, and keep the best for years to come.